The ice came off this weekend, so we got a chance to head out to Lake Arthur. I was excited to get on the water to play with my new Humminbird Side Imaging fish finder. This weekend was the first time I got to try it out, so I spent most of my time on the water trolling around playing with some of the features of the new unit. It’s some pretty cool technology but it’s definitely is going to take some time to figure out how to use it to its fullest ability. It was nice to be able to see what was down there. I went to a brush pile, or what I thought was a brush, only to figure out it was really a tree. It took a few passes around it to get a good clean scan but I was able to get this scan of what appears to be a tree top.
We did do some fishing while we were out too. The fishing was pretty slow. The surface temp was in the high 40’s in the coves and in the low 40’s in the main lake. We were only able to manage two bites. Both bites we got came on a Luck Craft pointer while it was sitting suspended. The first bite we got was short lived and shook off after a few turns of the reel. The second bite of the day turned out to be a nice 4 lb smallmouth. The fishing wasn’t great but it was nice to get back out of the water. I hope everyone gets to get out and do some fishing soon.
Nice to see the side imaging in action!
That is a beautiful smallie for Lake Arthur. What is the black spot on it’s side? Was it a growth or just a mark?
After I saw your post last year about the side imaging I knew I would have to get one. It’s pretty cool. Going to take sometime to get the hang of it but once I figure it out I think it’s going to be a great tool.
That smallie had a few of those black spots on it. They didn’t stick out at all they looked like they were part of her skin.
I did a little research online about them and they might be a parasite that is refereed to as “black spot disease” Not 100% sure.
You did good to make multiple passes from different angles. Sometimes something will look awesome until you look at it from another angle. Did you play around with the downscan at all? Pretty cool to run it with the sonar in side-by-side mode.
We went to Cross Creek on Sunday and managed one 3 lbs largie on a pointer.
I used the Side Imaging and Down Imaging side by side view as one of my preset keys, so when I went directly over something I could hit the key and get the side by side view up. The Down Imaging really gives you a lot detail. It was nice to compare the standard sonar to the Down Imaging to see the differences.
If Arthur wouldn’t have opened up I was going to head down to Cross Creek to test out the new finder.