Much of a fisherman’s success in the spring depends on how stealthy the angler can be. Trolling motors with blown bearings, dropping items on the deck, using the sonar in unnecessary situations, and disturbing anchors systems can lead to less fish catching. I have been talking up the Dig-In Shallow Water Anchors for a while now and this will help you in more ways than one. First, you are not on the trolling motor. Second, it is quiet and simple to using. Third, you are not messing with an anchor rope. Last but not least, the fiberglass rod will double as a push pole so that the trolling motor is not needed. For more information about these products check out the product reviews by clicking the links below, and by clicking on the Dig-In image below.
Dig-In Shallow Water Anchor Transum Mount
Dig-In Shallow Water Anchor Bow Mount